COCONUT OIL PULLING, an Ayurvedic Oral Ritual. I Tried. You must Start now!

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut Oil Pulling: Oil pulling introduced many years ago is an ancient Ayurvedic oral hygiene therapy meant to remove bacteria in the mouth besides to stimulate saliva production. Sesame oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil are generally used. Here our discussion is purely on coconut oil or copra oil, delicious superfood, smells great, active ingredient in numerous skincare products. Most of the people apply Coconut oil to hair and to detoxify the body. 

According to some studies, applying coconut oil to the skin can helps in improve the moisture content of dry skin besides reduction in eczema symptoms.

As part of the practicing concerning to improving oral health, you have to swish the coconut oil around your mouth, it is “pulled” between the teeth. When you are done, you have to spit out the oil.

Owing the presence of high amounts of antimicrobial lauric acid, pleasant taste besides its ease of availability, made Coconut Nut Oil pulling quite popular regards natural teeth whitening. 

One need to take some precautions and avoid coconut oil pulling if they have allergy to coconut. Further, one should not swallow the oil after pulling process. Discuss with your dentist before opting for this process as part of alternative therapy regards antiseptic mouthwash for mouth infections. 

Note: Coconut oil gets firm below 76 degrees especially this phenomena has been usually observed in winter months. 

Recently, Viral Kohli wife Anushka Sharma took to her instagram and wrote: "My morning ritual of Oil pulling in the company of my sweet-smoosh-doggo Dude! Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice known as "kavala" or "gundusha" , a dental technique that involves swishing little oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for few minutes and then spitting it out. This action is excellent for dental hygiene & health and also draws out toxins in the body. As we are all using this time to take better care of our health and improve our immunity I thought of sharing this. Hopefully, it will be as beneficial to you too."

Tags: Dental Health, Receding gums, anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis, peppermint, thyme, Aloe Veral Gel, Septilin, Omega-3 fatty acids, Brushing and flossing, brush teeth twice a day, simple and effective, natural healing, Vitamin-E, Jacqueline Fernandez, Dental Professionals, Flap Surgery, charcoal scrubs,